Professional Challenges



The First

The Second

The Third

The Fourth


It is impossible to correct one's writing without a strong understanding of the way the language is structured, its grammar.


Most people do not have a basic understanding of grammar.

They see grammar as an infinite number of complicated rules and concepts they can rarely remember, and they are hesitant to make judgments about their writing.

Despite this, most business and professional writing courses are predicated on the idea that the participants do have a basic understanding of grammar, relegating it to a review section. The courses then focus on concepts, error types, or writing style and purpose, as they build upon a foundation that just isn't there.

Both formal and informal written communication does reflect the standards of a company.

Perhaps more importantly, digital communication today serves as a permanent record, whether we like it or not.

Employers have a business to run.

They do not have the money or the time to send their employees back to school for several years, regardless of the importance of writing skills.

Their employees don't have the money or the time, either.

Employers must respect their bottom line.

Poor writing skills can affect both work product (measurable) and employee self-confidence (immeasurable), both of which can negatively impact the company's bottom line.

In addition, any solution to the problem of poor or weak employee writing must provide a substantial return on the company's investment.


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